Project glitch – If the issue occurs when you’re trying to export a file after a period of inactivity, you might be able to resolve the issue by duplicating the project, creating a new project and importing the contents back in or by discovering which part is crashing the export and excluding it from the process.
Several users that have also faced this issue reported that the issue was resolved after the project location was changed.
Corrupted project location – This error is also associated with instances where the location of the project contains corrupted or files that exceed the character limit.
If this scenario is applicable, you can resolve the issue by using the Software Only Playback Engine.
GPU can’t handle the load – If you’re using a low to medium GPU, chances are you will be encountering this error while trying to render or export large files.
If this scenario is applicable, you will be able to resolve the issue by updating to the latest software version. Adobe did a good job of patching a lot of chores that were previously causing instability. this error is commonly reported with outdated Premiere builds.